gazing voyage

Plunge into the mirror of My Pass' reflections

Thursday, July 01, 2004


I have always wanted to exhibit some what I literally see in my life. All the events and all the feelings. Nothing is better than creating a place online to share them with you all - my friends.

They say that a picture speaks a thousand words. I figured that it is most of the time true. If I went on a trip overseas and describe to you how lovely the scenery is with my limited vocabulary, I dun think anyone could understand the euphoria that I felt.

Thus, I created and launched this place. A place to view. I hope everyone draws inspiration from "gazing voyage". Come on, step right in - into the mirror of "My Pass'" reflections.


  • At July 2, 2004 at 11:51 AM, Blogger vlee said…

    nicely done bro!

    hahah but i've got no time to create my own if not i'll definitely do a better job than you!!! muahahahahah

    hope u find inner space with your gal!!



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